Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bedrock + Barewords = Bug

This morning, after being sufficiently caffeinated with a full pot of coffee, I was able to isolate a Bedrock bug that has been bugging me.  Bedrock was failing to throw an exception on what I would consider a syntax error (missing right end tag >).  

  <null:foo $baz.some_method()
  <var $foo>

Bedrock however, happily parsed the expressions and went along it's merry way...argghhh!

Is it a bug in Bedrock?  Probably, but IMHO it's really a problem with Bedrock's loosely defined grammar.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Love me some more Chromebook!

New beta channel release appears to have fixed memory management issues.

For the first time since I've owned my Chromebook I experienced a lot of "He's Dead Jim" out of memory issues.  So far the new update of January 8th seems to have corrected the problem.

New 15.6" Acer Chromebook

Looks like Acer is going to enter the 15" market.  They were giving sneak peeks at the CES in Las Vegas of a new Acert 15.6" Chromebook.

According to the representive they'll have several models including an i3 4GB model.  Lower end models (2GB, lower resolution) will start at $249.  Since it comes in at almost 5lbs I don't think it will replace my current C720 as my go to road device, but the increased screen size will make this a nice addition to the den.

The experiments with crouton and running Ubuntu on my 2GB model were very successful, so I suspect there will soon be an emerging Linux laptop pattern fueled by these Chromebooks.  I'd go with the 4GB model for those contemplating running unity.

Love me some Chromebook!  Can't wait to get my hands on one.  Rumors suggest March...